Constitution of the Park Road Lido User Group

This version of our constitution was replaced by an updated version, adopted at the November 2024 AGM.

A. Name

The name of the Association is the Park Road Lido Users Group, PRLUG.

B. Membership

  1. All users, aged 16 or over, of facilities at the Park Road Lido are eligible to become members with the exception of staff and employees of Fusion Leisure. All members must complete an Applications Form and return to or return to a User Group meeting.

  2. Members agree to support the Objects of the User Group and must conduct themselves with mutual respect for all Lido staff, Lido users, and other PRLUG members.

  3. The Association will maintain and operate a privacy policy which will be made available to members on joining and on request.

  4. Every member shall have a vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) provided they have been in 6 month’s continuous membership before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.

  5. The Committee may, by two-thirds majority suspend or terminate the membership of any individual member for a breach of the constitution, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made, having received reasons for the proposed action in writing at least 14 days before a final decision is made.

C. Administration

The Association is an unincorporated association and shall be managed by the Committee in accordance with this constitution and such rules, standing orders and procedures as the Committee may agree from time to time.

D. Objects of the Association

  1. To work to safeguard the Lido’s future as sport and leisure facility for the enjoyment of sport, leisure, health and well-being for all members of the community.

  2. To promote user involvement and consultation in decisions on the future of the Lido.

  3. To provide user representation to Fusion and Haringey Council on future repair, restoration and the management of the Lido.

  4. To maintain, promote, support and enhance the user experience including reasonable opening hours that mean that the lido is open to all members of the community, or at least as many members as is reasonably feasible.

E. Powers

To further these objectives, but not otherwise, the Committee may exercise the following powers:

  1. To gather and represent the views of users for negotiating with Centre Managers, Fusion Staff the Council and other relevant local and national groups.

  2. To raise funds, invite and receive contributions and incur expenditure, necessary to further the Objects above.

  3. To make collected donations as determined by the Committee to other organisations whose activities directly support users of the Lido.

  4. To do such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the Objects.

F. Officers

At the AGM, which shall be held not more than 15 months after the previous AGM, the members shall elect from among themselves a Chair, Secretary, and any other task related roles thought necessary and not more than 8 additional Committee members.

G. Committee

  1. The elected officers and other elected members will form the Committee for the Association. The Committee, including officers, should number not less than 8 nor more than 12, not counting coopted members. They will hold office un/l the next AGM after their election, but can be re-elected.

  2. The Committee may, in addition, appoint up to three voting or non-voting co-opted members, who have special skills or knowledge needed by the Committee, or to fill vacancies that arise on the Committee between elections. Any non-voting member co-opted to the Committee will not be permitted to vote on issues at meetings until they have been in membership for six continuous months. All co-opted members shall hold office only until the next AGM when they can stand for election.

  3. A member of the Committee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

    1. Does not conduct themselves with mutual respect for all Lido staff, Lido users, and other PRLU members.

    2. Is absent, without giving a written apology and reasonable reasons to the Committee, from all of their meetings held within a period of six months and the Committee recommend that the office be vacated.

    3. Notifies the Committee of a wish to resign.

  4. The Committee shall make rules that prevent its members from receiving payment for services from or in relation to the Lido, other than in exceptional circumstances and that ensure any potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest are appropriately managed and declared.

  5. The Committee may by a two-thirds majority terminate the membership of a Committee member for good reason, provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee, accompanied by a friend, having received reasons for the proposed action in writing at least 14 days before a final decision is made.

  6. The Committee shall cease to have a legitimacy if the Committee numbers fall below four.

H. Meetings and Proceedings of the Committee Group

  1. The Committee shall meet at least four times per year but an additional meeting may be called at any time by the Chair or any two members of the Committee with 21 days’ notice.

  2. There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the total members of the Committee are present.

  3. Every matter shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the Committee present. Where a vote is tied, the Chair shall have a casting vote.

  4. The Committee shall keep minutes of Committee meetings and meetings of members.

  5. The Committee shall agree by majority vote, standing orders for the conduct of their business, based on accepted practice for the conduct of such meetings, provided they remain consistent with this constitution.

  6. The Committee may appoint sub-committees for the purpose of making an inquiry or supervising or performing any function or duty.

  7. Subject to G6, the proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number.

I. Financial Management

  1. There is no requirement to collect or accrue monies but if they do the Committee should appoint a treasurer and monies should be paid over to a treasurer who shall pay the same into a bank account in the name of the association established at any bank approved by the Committee. Withdrawals from this account require signatures from two of the members of Committee nominated by the Committee for this purpose.

  2. If the Committee decides to collect or accrue monies then accounts shall be kept and externally audited annually, prior to being presented at the AGM and in that case a financial report shall be made to the members at each AGM. The qualifications of the auditor should be agreed by the Committee and depend on the level of funds accrued.

  3. The Association is a non-profit making body, but if it chooses to collect or accrue monies it may hold surpluses.

J. Meetings of Members

  1. There shall be a minimum of one General Meeting of members each year, being the AGM, which will include a report from the Committee on action taken and a financial report. Members must be given a minimum of 21 days’ notice of the meeting.

  2. Other general meetings of members or any Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), may be called by the Committee, or on request of 15 members entitled to vote. Members must be given a minimum of 21 days’ notice of the meeting unless the Committee determines by two-thirds majority that more urgency is required.

  3. At any meeting of members where there is a quorum, that is a third of the Committee, then decisions shall be by majority vote.

  4. Nominations to the Committee and to Officer roles must be made by two members eligible to vote, in writing to at least 7 days before the AGM or EGM. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by a show of hands, unless the meeting agrees to a ballot. Nominees must be PRLUG members and have held a continuous membership for at least 6 months prior to nomination.

K. Changes to the Constitution

This constitution may be amended by a resolution of an AGM or EGM of the members of the Association carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present eligible to vote. Notice of the meeting shall have contained notice of the resolution and been circulated to members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

L. Dissolution

If the Committee decides that it is necessary to dissolve the Association, it shall call a meeting of members, giving at least 21 days’ notice stating the terms of the resolution for dissolution. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present eligible to vote, the Committee shall settle all debts and liabilities. Any assets remaining after all debts are paid shall be given or spent for the benefit of Park Rd Lido or transferred to other not-for-profit organisations with similar Objects and with the approval of members present who are eligible to vote.

This site is built and maintained by the Park Road Lido User Group.
Swim, rest and laugh at the Lido 🏊‍♀️

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